
  • Peter Singer

    Philosopher, Provocateur, Philanthropist

    Australian-born Peter Singer has spent decades challenging our moral compass as one of the world's most influential and controversial philosophers. His groundbreaking work "Animal Liberation" ignited the modern animal rights movement, while "Famine, Affluence, and Morality" laid the foundation for effective altruism.

    From the halls of Princeton to the streets of Melbourne, Singer's utilitarian ethics have sparked both admiration and outrage. His views on hot-button issues like abortion, euthanasia, and global poverty have led to protests, but also to real-world change. Singer doesn't just preach - he practices what he philosophizes, founding organizations like Animals Australia and The Life You Can Save.

    Recognition for his impact includes the prestigious Berggruen Prize and the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award. True to form, Singer donated his entire Berggruen winnings, proving that for this philosopher, ethics isn't just academic - it's a way of life.

  • Jill Robinson

    Bear Liberator, Animal Welfare Pioneer, Compassion Innovator

    Jill Robinson MBE, a British animal welfare activist, has dedicated her life to protecting animals in Asia. Born in England, her passion for animal welfare led her to Hong Kong in the mid-1980s, where she worked for the International Fund for Animal Welfare.

    In 1993, Robinson's visit to a Chinese bear bile farm became a turning point. Witnessing the plight of approximately 10,000 Asiatic black bears in horrific conditions, she embarked on a mission to end this practice. For seven years, she researched and negotiated with the Chinese government, resulting in a groundbreaking agreement in 2000 to release 500 bears from the worst farms.

    This success led to the founding of Animals Asia Foundation, establishing bear rescue centres in China and Vietnam. Robinson's work expanded to include converting bile farms into sanctuaries and negotiating with Vietnamese officials to end bear bile farming by 2020.

    Beyond bears, Robinson initiated the Doctor Dog program, training rescued strays for animal-assisted therapy. Her efforts have earned her numerous accolades, including an MBE in 1998, a Genesis Award in 2002, and the Reader's Digest Hero for Today Award in 2005.

  • Pam Ahern

    Farm Sanctuary Pioneer, Animal Equality Advocate, Kindness Ambassador

    Pam Ahern, founder and director of Edgar's Mission in Australia, transformed a chance encounter with a pig named Edgar into a lifelong mission to champion farmed animal rights. Her journey from rescuing cats and dogs to establishing a sanctuary for 437 rescued farm animals highlights the often-overlooked disparity in animal protection laws.

    At Edgar's Mission, Ahern doesn't just provide care; she ignites change through education, advocacy, and community programs. Her work brings to light the stark contrast between society's treatment of companion animals and farmed animals, challenging people to extend their circle of compassion.

    Pam's impact is perhaps best exemplified as the proud Australian Ambassador for the annual Be Kind to Animals Week with stories like that of Baarack the sheep, which showcase the power of kindness in transforming animal lives. Through storytelling and direct action, Ahern continues to bridge the empathy gap between humans and farmed animals, proving that compassion knows no species boundaries.

  • Martin Dingle Wall

    Actor, Vegan Advocate, Storyteller

    Martin Dingle Wall, born in 1971 in Sydney, Australia, has seamlessly transitioned from graphic designer at Walt Disney's Animation Studios to a versatile actor with over 45 roles. His breakthrough came with "Home & Away," earning him a Logie Award nomination, and he's since become a familiar face in Australian television and international films.

    Martin's career highlights include starring alongside Nicole Kidman in "Strangerland" and winning Best Actor for "Happy Hunting." His versatility shines through his ability to learn Russian for "All That Jam" and his lead role in the U.S. series "Cypher."

    Beyond acting, Wall is a committed vegan and has taken his advocacy to the screen. He's featured in Season 2 of "Eating Plants," a plant-based TV series, using his platform to promote sustainable and compassionate living.

    From Bondi Beach to Hollywood, Martin's journey embodies the fusion of artistic talent and ethical living. As he continues to captivate audiences on screen, he simultaneously champions a plant-based lifestyle, proving that one can excel in their craft while advocating for positive change.

  • Emma Hurst

    Politician, Psychologist, Animal Defender

    Emma Hurst is a multifaceted Australian powerhouse who seamlessly blends politics, psychology, and activism. As a member of the New South Wales Legislative Council for the Animal Justice Party, she's not your typical politician. Hurst's passion for animal welfare runs deep, having worked for PETA and Animal Liberation before entering politics.

    Her advocacy has led to significant victories, from shutting down wild goat racing events to chairing inquiries on battery cages for hens. But Hurst's talents don't stop at the legislative chamber.

    This registered psychologist and Monash University graduate continues to push boundaries, running half marathons, competing as a vegan bodybuilder, and championing transparency in animal agriculture. Emma Hurst proves that with determination, you can be a voice for the voiceless in more ways than one."

    Other wins:
    Over the last five years, she has secured over $60 million in Government funding for animal protection, mandated the ‘right to release’ for animals used in experimentation, prohibited forced swim and smoking experiments, outlawed convenience killing in pounds, banned the use of dolphins and whales for entertainment, increased penalties for animal cruelty and much more.

  • Clifton Roberts

    Vegan Politician, Tech Influencer, Eco-Warrior

    Clifton Roberts has been vegan since his birthday Sept 24 1997. He’s a Humane Party volunteer, 2016 U.S. presidential candidate, 2018 candidate for U.S. Senate, and 2020 U.S. presidential candidate. Clifton is passionate about protecting representatives of nature, human health, and environmental resources.

    As global policy director for the world’s largest semiconductor producer (Intel) he influences governments to establish policy conducive to evolution of cloud technology. He’s committed to inserting vegan advocacy into politics, and he can walk on his hands.

  • Georgie Purcell

    Animal Rights Legislator, Youth Advocate, Sanctuary Keeper

    Georgie Purcell, elected in 2022 as the Animal Justice Party member for Northern Victoria's Legislative Council, embodies a new generation of political activism. At just 26, she transitioned from Chief of Staff to elected official, driven by a decade of animal welfare advocacy and armed with a law degree.

    Purcell's legislative agenda is ambitious and focused: banning duck shooting, investigating greyhound racing, supporting wildlife rescuers, ending commercial kangaroo slaughter, and improving veterinary care accessibility. Her work extends beyond the parliament to her Macedon Ranges home, a sanctuary for rescued animals including sheep, horses, and ex-puppy farm dogs.

    As a young woman in politics, Purcell is equally committed to increasing diverse representation in government. Her journey from grassroots campaigns to the halls of power demonstrates the impact of passionate advocacy and the changing face of Australian politics.

  • DJ Tigerlily

    Vegan DJ, Animal Advocate, Eco-Influencer

    Dara Kristen Hayes, known as DJ Tigerlily, blends her successful DJ career with passionate animal rights advocacy. From chart-topping singles to performances at Tomorrowland, she's used her musical platform to champion veganism and environmental causes.

    Partnering with PETA and Animal Liberation, Tigerlily goes beyond words, actively volunteering at animal sanctuaries and fundraising for charities. As a brand ambassador and podcast host, she promotes sustainable, cruelty-free practices to a wide audience.

    Tigerlily embodies the powerful fusion of artistic influence and ethical commitment, proving that one can create music while creating change for animals and the planet.