Driving around Australia is the perfect way to see the amazing wildlife and habitat still living on this ancient land. Kangaroos have been evolving on the Australian continent for over 20 million years. The Yuin Declaration in 2021 declared:
“Kangaroos are intelligent, sentient beings, living in family groups and have their own songlines, language, culture and dreaming. As they traverse their own dreaming tracks they continue to activate the earths song lines for the survival of all living things. Kangaroos have the right to live in safety, roam freely and travel uninterrupted through their ancient songlines.”
Particularly at DUSK AND DAWN, kangaroos are active and often crossing roads. As drivers we must pay particular attention and DRIVE SLOWLY to allow them space. Unfortunately kangaroos do get hit by vehicles - maiming or killing the animals.
For World Kangaroo Day, Kangaroos Alive have created a special Kangaroo Road Rescue Kit. If you hit a kangaroo with your car or see a kangaroo has been hit - please stop and check out the animal’s welfare and look for any joeys that may still be alive. Call a local wildlife rescuer for advice.
Build your own Kangaroo Road Rescue Kit for your car. Include a metre of bright ribbon, 2 old pillowcases and Download Instructions.
Or we are happy to send you a kit in Australia. Please email info@kangaroosalive.org with your name and mailing address.
Watch this video to see a joey rescue.
For additional Joey Rescue Information.