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No reason for Rue for a 'Roo' - Poem Release

No reason for Rue for a 'Roo

©Noël Sweeney


Such a stunning sight on shifting sand©

The kangaroos have roamed this land

For 20 million years as nature planned

Our Coat of Arms symbol since 1773

Depicts the kangaroo in all its majesty

No reason nor rhyme for a ruse

Australia is a country fit for animals

A true image of how we view kangaroos

Australia's image as a sanctuary for 'roos


Yet now is not time for phoney pith

Time to dispense with history's myth

For who were once valued as iconic

Now smell with a stale death's tonic

As a hop skip and jump before being dumped

Beneath the bullets as a sawn-off is pumped

A mountain of bodies bulge as a badge for their ruin

From politicians failing to follow the Declaration of Yuin

The Australian principles move to echo the Saturnalia

So the Joey learned as far as the government is concerned

From their youth for them ruth has no truth in their history

A fake Coat of Arms as an emblem of their endless misery


Our Spring will mak e a soulless heart sing

By a shotgun kiss for a bird on the wing

So be sure pay a visit to old Oz because

After escaping from the crowded beach

You will find a cove beyond the reach

Of most creatures except those whose

Low siren call is a death-knell screech

When their bounce and running just ends

The ones with no purpose and no friends

A natural medicine to cure every disease

Doing whatever you want when you please 

Bring the 'roo and Joey down to their knees

No cause for any taboo

No question from anyone

No doubt about what is true

No reason for rue for a 'roo

Remember killing a kangaroo is indeed a good deed

Remember killing a kangaroo is the right thing to do


In black summer it is better than a drummer

A-pounding sound of a tow-bar on a brain

As a 'roo dies to the rhythm of their pain 

Out of the busy city an itchy bug bit me

A frightened Joey in a mother's furry pouch

Lazy looking and as purposeless as a slouch

A no gloved specimen of a pugilist crew

You can find the ocean wave blue-on-blue

You can swim and seek a shark or two

You can even find the sun and some sex

Then when you decide what to do next

There is simply nothing you can substitute

For finding someone both helpless and mute

Waiting for someone to batter her or to shoot

Cutting down a creature in mid-motion is cute

No reason for rue for a 'roo

Remember killing a kangaroo is indeed a good deed

Remember killing a kangaroo is the right thing to do


Autumn it is the perfect camouflage season

Wander into the bush with a single reason

Seeing someone lurking there idling their time

With a licence to kill catch them in their prime

All you need is a warped mind and a weapon 

No cause for a protest or some kind of sermon

You can be a jackboot Klansman with a jackknife

Then use your force and strength to take their life

That is the way it was always meant to be

A death fast and loose is their only destiny

They all fall heavy when their time has come

A faded scream as their body becomes numb

When the shooter's eyes light with excitement

An animal abuser without fault in his judgement

Thanking the fire the floods and the government

No reason for rue for a 'roo

Remember killing a kangaroo is indeed a good deed

Remember killing a kangaroo is the right thing to do


In the winter you can choose to splinter

The 'roos being born to be abused and used

As a pair of gloves or de luxe running shoes

While old-time Oz sprung from criminals

We can forge our future we know is liminal 

By killing the lowest of the low the animals

Especially as each startled fur-lined hopper

In turn turns and becomes a scared cropper

You might take down two with a one bullet

A lucky strike to produce an orphan pauper

We decide which of the pests we will abort

'Roos captured in our own kangaroo court

Caught in our cross-fire devoid of a Voice

In law and life killing them is our choice

Willing silent victims of pure prejudice 

No reason for rue for a 'roo

Remember killing a kangaroo is indeed a good deed

Remember killing a kangaroo is the right thing to do 


Our criminal past is the one that was 

Our present is a killing fun just because 

Our future is formed and fixed on nature

Our rivers gently flow and time stands still

Our Joey breathes so she's yours to kill 

Our history and inheritance is written in sand

Our Kangaroo Code kills them as we planned


Our sanctioned slaughter has been lodged

All the kangaroos have to do to live is dodge 

The bullets and knives that steal their lives

As the mob parading as our government

Attack the mobs so their time is all spent

When the young-at-foot are chased off the road

Forced to find a new abode of a land-fill coffin

Killed by us kingpins for their body and skins

Our national treasure now used for our pleasure

A hunter and a punter wins by the Kangaroo Code

Killing without conscience is our marketing mode

Caged by fences and fires and floods

While they spill and lose their lifeblood 

A one-way love-hate story of greed and glory 

Our perpetual slaughter of speciesist prejudice 

Written in water and borne of our human bias

Each Joey and wallaroo have no legal value

A kangaroo killing is our political hullabaloo 

So when we ask the perennial Australian question

Do the kangaroos ever have 'A Fair Go'?

We already know the repeating resounding answer:

No No No!


For more about Noel including is work and latest book visit:

24 October

The Red Sands of Hattah Give Away

24 October

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